
S P E E C H – L A N G U A G E  T H E R A P I S T 

I offer the following services to treat a variety of speech and language difficulties: 

Comprehensive speech and language assessments 

My assessments usually range between 1 and 2 hours in duration, depending on the age of the child and the nature of the concerns.    A full speech, language, auditory processing and literacy assessment takes 2 hours and is usually followed by a written report and verbal feedback to the parents. 

Please contact me for up-to-date pricing options.

Speech and Language Therapy 

Following the assessment, we discuss a treatment plan that is best suited to the child and family.  I offer 30-, 45- and 60-minute therapy sessions as well as the option of home programs so that families have access to treatment that fits their budget.  Therapy can be conducted at my practice or at the child's school.​

Please contact me for up-to-date pricing options.